The Shoreline ARC supports three repeaters in lower Middlesex County in Connecticut.
The repeaters are ‘OPEN’ to all licensed, Amateur Radio operators for enjoyment and camaraderie at home, visiting the area or on the road traveling.
Please adhere to all FCC rules. If necessary, please ‘stand-by and listen’ if the repeaters are used for emergency communications.
Scroll down for additional information, turn on your radio and ‘Get On The Air!’ with local VHF / UHF communications.
Weekly activity includes:
- Monday 7:45 pm – CT ARES Net
(Automatically linked with the Woodbridge 442.500 Repeater)
- Thursday 7:00 pm – CT SKYWARN Net / Weather Training
(Automatically linked with the Woodbridge 442.500 Repeater)
The Killingworth Repeater is noted in the CT ARES Communication Plan for Amateur Radio Communications, when Amateur Radio is requested by Served Agencies for primary or backup communications within New Haven and Middlesex Counties (CT DEMHS Region 2).
Served Agencies include the American Red Cross, National Weather Service, CT Department of Emergency Management & Homeland Security and local municipals/Emergency Management.
The Westbrook repeater is utilized for local coverage in the towns of Westbrook, Clinton, and Old Saybrook for general conversations. The repeater site is interfaced with backup power on the site’s generator.
Locals “HAMS” as well as visitors and vacationers are encourage to use the repeater around town, at the beaches and other local attractions, especially during the summer months. An HT is usually all you need to get into the repeater (Westbrook) or by adding a simple J-Pole or mag-mount antenna.
The DStar Repeater is located in Westbrook for coverage in Westbrook, Clinton and Old Saybrook.
The repeater is connected to Reflector 69 on the DStar Network, providing you with Connecticut statewide coverage and other various locations.
For more information on DStar go to DSTAR Network
Not directly affiliated with the Club, many members are utilizing FM digital communications on the DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) Network. The Westbrook DMR Repeater is affiliated on the CT ARES DMR Network, open to all ham radio operators.
The site provides Wide Area Coverage in southern Middlesex County, portions of New Haven & New London County and Long Island. Talk Groups include CT Statewide, New York City, Northeast, North America, World Wide and various other groups. You will need need a DMR radio to listen/transmit with this mode.
For more information on DMR, click on DMR-MARC
For more information on CT ARES DMR Network, click on CT ARES DMR